With the retirement of MDS Section G in October 2023, several Quality Measures (QMs) were impacted. This in-depth course will cover the 5 QMs impacted by MDS Section G's retirement and the introduction of Section GG to establish both long-term and short-term quality measures on residents’ functional abilities. Quality Measures discussed will be: - The percentage of residents who made improvements in function.
- The percentage of residents needing help with ADLs has increased.
- The percentage of residents whose ability to move independently has worsened.
- The percentage of high-risk residents with Pressure Ulcers.
- The percentage of low-risk residents who lost control of their bowel or bladder.
Participants will learn the impact of the measure changes, including the retirement of some of the QMs and the freeze on the QMs on the Five Star QM rating, the data used to calculate the updated measures, and what to expect for these measures in the future. Session objectives: - Identify the 5 Quality Measures impacted by the transition from MDS Section G to Section GG
- Identify the 4 Quality Measures frozen during the transition
- Review the MDS changes and updated calculations for these Quality Measures