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Noise, Noise, Everywhere...Can You Hear It?

May 22nd, 2023

Noise, Noise, Everywhere...Can You Hear It?
By: Laurie Kolosky, RPT, Director of Programs and Education/Site Coordinator of Clinical Education

It is a noisy world. There is so much hustle and bustle around us, do we just tune it out, or can we even hear it? We do not realize that so many people struggle with hearing loss, specifically the elderly population. In fact, recent studies estimate nearly 63% of people over the age of 70 with 80% of those over the age of 80 in the United States experiencing some hearing loss. We know that the incidence of hearing loss increases with age and as our population continues to age, the prevalence of hearing loss is also expected to rise. Hearing loss in the elderly is due to presbycusis or Age-Related Hearing Loss but may also be a result of noise
damage and cerumen impaction as the more common reasons.

Posted in the categories News, Blog Post.