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Over The Top

October 23rd, 2017

Team building experiences are a great way to engage employees in the workplace to better understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses. By pairing different groups and management levels to work together through sharing in activities, individuals feel compelled to participate with each other in various means of communication and trust. Programs like these are vital to a company, they help each other understand the importance of working together on future goals and progress. Team building programs develop an improved morale within the work environment.

Recently, a team at Preferred Therapy Solutions experienced a “high peak” adventure. The goal of the hike was to work as a cohesive unit to make it to the summit. The hike had several areas of difficult terrain that required the team to rely on each other navigating through the trails. These areas challenged the group to experience different environments and to encourage each another that they can complete the journey as a team.

Preferred Therapy Solutions is so proud of Jason and his team. It’s no wonder employee retention at Preferred Therapy Solutions is 96.5%. Great job accomplished by all!

Posted in the categories News, Blog Post.