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Black Lives Matter

June 11th, 2020

Black lives matter. My heart breaks for the families of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd and so, so many other black American families that have endured unimaginable pain and loss at the hands of a system that does not apply justice equally. This must stop now.  Preferred Therapy Solutions stands with our black community and I ask that we all serve as allies, demanding fair treatment and equal justice.  Make no mistake, PTS stands against all hatred, bigotry, misogyny, and prejudice of any kind but this moment in time is specifically about supporting the black community to finally realize the desperately overdue change. We recognize that systemic racism has been creatively woven through the fabric of our society and that now is the time to take a stand with the ultimate goal of a fair, just, and kind society. We at Preferred have always referred to ourselves as a family and recognize our professional responsibility as caregivers and healers. We must now come together to listen and then take action as professionals, as healthcare providers, as citizens, and as humans. First, we must listen so we can all gain a better understanding of the realities endured by our black friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers, and patients. Then, we join the chorus of voices being heard around the world that Black Lives Matter. It is also the time for PTS to look in the mirror…and we have. We have begun the process of taking action in the form of “Allyship”. This requires expanding awareness, educating ourselves, performing a self-assessment, and then taking action. I have begun conversations with the black community within our professions and in academic circles to expand the diversity of Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy professions. I am wholly committed to this goal and ask you all to join me as we take this journey together, recognizing our responsibility to create change. 

Elizabeth (Liz) Almeida-Sanborn, MS PT
President & CEO

Posted in the categories Compliance, News, Blog Post.