Elizabeth (Liz) Almeida-Sanborn, MS PT


"Carpe Diem"

Liz Almeida-Sanborn, MS, PT, is President and founder of Preferred Therapy Solutions. As a licensed physical therapist and nationally recognized leader in sub-acute and long term care rehabilitation management, as well as Medicare reimbursement and compliance, Liz is deeply knowledgeable and fiercely passionate about clinical excellence and delivering positive outcomes for patients and the people who support them. A patient advocate involved legislatively at the local and state level, Liz is constantly fighting to expand patients’ rights for care and continuing education for caretakers. Recognized for her expertise, and maintaining an active role in both state and national healthcare associations, Liz has spoken extensively on the topics of financial, clinical and operational reimbursement issues relating to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), hospitals, home health agencies, and outpatient clinics. She has also served as an adjunct professor for the Springfield College Physical Therapy program and sits on multiple Boards at the College, as well as leading the development of a nationally recognized student education program whose goal is not only to enhance the general clinical education at the college/university level, but to empower future colleagues (and hopefully employees) to be energized about caring for older adults. Along with Liz’s extensive industry and management experience, her focus on leadership development helps drive the continued growth and success of Preferred Therapy Solutions. She speaks extensively on Leadership and hosts PTS leaders In Leadership Training Conferences bi-annually. Liz is a firm believer that life-long learning is a requirement and a responsibility for healthcare professionals as evidence- based research guides clinical practice. Liz loves traveling, great homestyle cooking, funny movies and is a die-hard football fan. She’s happiest spending time with her family and friends in Martha’s Vineyard and appreciates every day the ability to blend her passion for her career with her dedication to her family.